Smudging and Pipe Ceremonies

In support of the cultural integrity of our Indigenous/Native American students, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人, and in accordance with the 1978 American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 科罗拉多大学 has developed this Smudging and Pipe Ceremonies 政策. 本政策中描述的熏烟和烟斗仪式是赌博正规的十大网站吸烟的唯一例外, 烟草, and fire regulation policies. 在赌博正规的十大网站的反歧视政策和程序下,涂抹和管道仪式的做法受到保护.

Vice President for 学生生活/Dean of 学生
Additional references
Anti-Discrimination 政策


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s 校董会 are governed by their Bylaws.



科罗拉多大学 recognizes that our institution was founded upon, 并依赖于, ancient tribal lands first occupied by Indigenous/Native American Peoples, 主要是尤特人, 夏安族, Arapahoe, 和基奥瓦民族, and other First Peoples of these lands. 学院也认识到有许多土著宗教仪式和印第安人的神圣传统, including smudging and pipe ceremonies. Smudging and pipe ceremonies may incorporate the smoke of sage, 香草, 雪松, 烟草, and other related medicinal plants as elements of purification and sacred ceremony.

科罗拉多大学 has designated venues on campus for Indigenous/Native American students, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人练习熏烟和/或与传统宗教仪式和仪式有关的烟斗仪式.  另外, 学院认可并支持土著/美洲原住民学生在其宿舍房间的隐私范围内从事这些神圣的活动.

The purpose of this policy:

  • 为了保护, 促进, and facilitate Indigenous/Native American students, 教师, 工作人员, and visitors practicing Indigenous/Native American religious traditions and ceremonies, including smudging and pipe ceremonies, and to do so  in harmony with established college smoke and fire policies.

与这项政策有关的做法将有助于产生烟雾的土著/美洲土著宗教仪式和习俗的组织者确定适当的空间, proposed communications, 以及安全措施,努力为校园社区的所有成员提供有意义和健康的体验.  学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人 who  are not Indigenous/Native American, but who wish to engage in ceremonies and practices which also generate smoke, should contact the Chaplain’s Office.


赌博正规的十大网站致力于促进土著/美洲原住民学生的宗教仪式和神圣传统, 教师, 工作人员, 客人们也承认,有些人可能会有健康方面的考虑,这可能会受到仪式上吸烟的影响, and that others may be bothered by the smoke. 这项政策承认学院的优先事项是提供没有公认的健康危害的环境,同时承认和适应土著/美洲土著宗教仪式和神圣传统的完整性. 通常, the smoke associated with smudging and/or pipe ceremonies lasts for a brief duration of time. 然而, it is possible that others may smell the smoke from the lighted sage, 香草, 雪松, 烟草, and other related medicinal plants.

如果本政策与《赌博正规的十大网站》和《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》中规定的政策发生冲突,则取代本政策. 所有学生都应遵守学生荣誉和社区标准中概述的政策和程序.


Indigenous/Native American students, 工作人员, 教师, 客人如欲在指定场所进行宗教仪式和神圣传统的熏烟和/或烟斗仪式,必须首先:

  • “仪式用途通知表格”的硬拷贝也可在牧师办公室或Mathias的前台索取, 卢米斯, 或南厅.

填妥的仪式使用通知表将由土著/美洲原住民支持咨询委员会审查, which includes: current Indigenous/Native American 科罗拉多大学 students, an Indigenous/Native American 科罗拉多大学 alumnus, Indigenous/Native American tribal Elder(s), a counselor specializing in Indigenous/Native American support, the chaplain to the college, senior associate dean of students, member(s) of 住宅生活 & 校园活动, and a member of Facilities Services.  审查的目的是通知校园社区的主要成员,以便他们能够支持这些土著/美洲原住民学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人 wishing to engage in smudging and/or pipe ceremonies; the Advisory Committee is not an approval body.

The completed Ceremonial Use Notification Form will be kept on file with 校园安全, 住宅生活 & 校园活动, and the Chaplain’s Office.


Indigenous/Native American students, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人 may practice smudging and/or pipe ceremonies in the following indoor, 户外, 活动空间:

  1. Residence Hall Rooms

赌博正规的十大网站采用以下做法,在宿舍内进行熏烟和/或烟斗仪式, as practiced by Indigenous/Native American students:

  • 住宅生活 & 校园活动工作人员和校园安全工作人员不应打断土著/美洲原住民学生进行宗教仪式和神圣传统;
  • If 住宅生活 & 校园活动人员和校园安全人员不确定将与吸烟有关的物品作为土著/印第安人精神实践的一部分是否合适, then those 工作人员 members should document the incident in detail, taking care to respect these items by not touching, 处理, or confiscating them.
  1. Office and Work Spaces

Indigenous/Native American students, 教师, 工作人员, 客人可以在办公室或工作场所进行熏烟和/或烟斗仪式,前提是他们:

  • 是否已将填妥的礼仪使用通知表格存于校园安全或住宿生活处 & 校园活动, or the Chaplain’s Office;
  • Notify their immediate supervisor; it will then be up to the immediate supervisor to inform others as needed, emphasizing the importance and sacred significance, and that the practice/ceremony is not to be interrupted.
  1. Approved Classrooms and Meeting Rooms

Instructors/facilitators must:

  • Inform participants/meeting attendees of the intention to use sage, 香草, 雪松, 烟草, and other related medicinal plants in the space; instructor will discern reasonable notice for their students;
  • Provide reasonable notice to neighboring classrooms and other spaces;
  • Observe all emergency procedures, including locating the nearest fire extinguisher


  1. 室外空间
  • Indigenous/Native American students, 教师, 工作人员, 客人可以在学校的所有户外空间练习熏烟和/或烟斗仪式.
  1. 活动场所
  • Event venues in which Indigenous/Native American students, 教师,工作人员, 希望进行熏烟和/或管道仪式的客人必须在活动前至少三(3)个工作日由设施服务部主任和校园安全/应急管理主任进行评估并获得批准;
    • 设施服务主任和校园安全/应急管理主任将:
      • 评估所要求空间的消防和通风系统-如果出于安全原因不可行, another space will be recommended;
      • Inform other relevant support 工作人员
  1. Other Considerations
  • 设施服务和校园安全/应急管理将与组织者合作,确保火警不会干扰土著/美洲原住民学生进行的熏烟和/或烟斗仪式, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人.



报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/02/2021